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Leetcode 228 Summary Ranges

Leetcode 228 Summary Ranges

This problem can be solved by using 2 pointers. One represents the left boundary of the interval the other for the right boundary.

Then we just need to move the 2 pointers by checking if the next number is consecutive to the number on the right boundary.

  • If true, we move the right pointer
  • If false, we push the interval into the result array

One thing to note is at the end of the while loop, we should still add the last interval into the result array. We do this by check if the left pointer is at the end of the array.


 * @param {number[]} nums
 * @return {string[]}
var summaryRanges = function(nums) {
    if(!nums.length) {
        return []
    let left = 0;
    let right = 0;
    let result = []
    while(right < nums.length) {
        if(nums[right+1] - nums[right] > 1) {
            if(right === left) {
            } else {
            right += 1;
            left = right;
        } else {
            right += 1

    if(left === nums.length - 1) {
    } else {
        result.push(`${nums[left]}->${nums[nums.length - 1]}`)

    return result

This solution has a time complexity of O(n) and space complexity of O(1)

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