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two pointers

Lintcode 1375 Substring With At Least K Distinct Characters Example 1: Example 2: This problem can also use the two pointers method we talked about in with time complexity of O(n) The idea is the same, iterate the left pointer, at each iteration, find the right pointer… Read More »Lintcode 1375 Substring With At Least K Distinct Characters

Leetcode 167 Two Sum II – Input Array Is Sorted

Problem Statement Given a 1-indexed array of integers numbers that is already sorted in non-decreasing order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. Let these two numbers be numbers[index1] and numbers[index2] where 1 <= index1 < index2 <= numbers.length. Return the indices of the two numbers, index1 and index2, added by… Read More »Leetcode 167 Two Sum II – Input Array Is Sorted